Sunday, May 31, 2015



The weather has been glorious all week! We’ve been reaching 80’s all week and Haidyn couldn’t be happier. She’s been wearing sandals, shorts and short sleeved shirts all week AND gets to play in the water! She’s in heaven everyday at school and pooped by the time her bedtime rolls around. Happy Haidyn means a happy Mama.

 I’ve also been having a little fun myself with my wardrobe choices. I no longer have to wear cardigans to cover up during the day. I can finally wear my blouses and bust out my wedges for work. Ah! I can’t even tell you how amazing it is not to wear flats to work.


The short week for me meant that I needed to work harder and have less time to recuperate while we attend all of our events planned for this week. It’s a week of celebrating the graduates this week! I attended a JROTC ceremony and we attended a high school graduation for a dear family friend. Needless to say, I cried at both occasions just thinking that my baby would some day go through the same thing. I know it’s a long ways away, but it’s still so sweet to think about it. I’m a baby I know. I’m so excited and proud of the teens that allowed us to celebrate with them on their big days!

I stumbled upon a list of Free/Frugal Summer things to do around Reno! You guys know that I am a sucker for anything to do that costs nothing or close to it. All of the events go throughout the summer and are so cool! I've already planned out most of our summer out with the tons of free events happening around time. Haidyn is going to be so excited when we attend everything. If you happen to be in the area and missed this amazing list please visit, here.

This will be my first time about talking about my faith on my blog, but I can’t help but not be thankful this week for him and what he’s blessed me with. I wake up every day so thankful for everything I have in my life and grateful for the future ahead of me. I try not to dwell on the negative things in my life since I know that they are just speed bumps I have to tackle head on. I’m staying positive and embracing the wonderful life that was given to me. I refuse to let someone’s negativity affect me or my family. I am blessed beyond belief. I firmly believe that we will always be okay, if we have faith in him. The quote in our home and the one we live by is “The Happiest People Don’t Have The Best Of Everything, They Just Make The Best Of Everything”.  My faith will always keep me and my family strong and positive.


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