Friday, September 22, 2017

You're the One Summer 2017

It’s official Summer is O-V-E-R and my favorite time of the year is here! Haidyn and I are beyond excited for this time of year. Summer has kept us extremely busy and I’m hoping that the end of the year will slow down just a little bit for us to do more at home. We’ve had such a great summer this year. We didn’t plan much of anything this summer, but of course we were slammed with things to do every single weekend. I think we spent 3 FULL weekends at home doing nothing. It’s rare that we’re sitting inside and doing nothing, but it was definitely nice to relax. Haidyn is at the age where she’s always on the go and excited for every holiday coming up. (I know that isn’t something that will change anytime soon. )
She was able to play at the park, skate parks and run wild and free at Hootsee and Papa’s most of the summer. Her curiosity has gotten the best of her most days as she’s gotten hurt from all of the exploring she’s done. I love this age with her because she understands what we’re doing and truly appreciates everything we’re doing this summer. Oddly, enough we never made it to the lake but Haidyn was completely content with the pool her Papa bought her.
This summer will always be different from the other summers as this was the first summer in about five years that Jon was able to come home. It was also the first time we got to see Jon twice in a year. It was also such a bittersweet summer as we lost Jonathan Matthew and his beautiful soul at the beginning of summer.  This will always be the summer that brought my family closer together and me so grateful for each and everyone of them. We spent a lot of time with family this summer and I wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. A lot of food and beer was consumed this summer all while we were surrounded by great people creating wonderful memories.

Until next time Summer!


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