Sunday, May 3, 2015


The weather is FINALLY nice enough  for Haidyn and I to walk again! I can’t tell you how big of a relief it is to finally have nice weather again. Our weeks are usually nice, but windy so Haidyn and I don’t get to go outside until the weekends. Now it cools down just right about 5 pm, so we walk while dinner is cooking. By the time we’re done with our walk, Waymon is off of work! We typically walk 2 miles. Haidyn usually takes a cat nap while I push her in the stroller.

            I can't help but love Haidyn in hats during our time outside! GAh!

I was really excited to go out with the girls. Normally, I don’t go out at all since I’m more of a homebody but getting out of the house was surprisingly refreshing. I am that Mom that doesn’t like to without her child, but this gathering was an exception to celebrate Shannon with Margaritas! Some of my absolute favorite things!

I’ve come to an end to the last of my editing for a long time. INSERT HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF HERE.  Like I’ve said in my post “Lately” , I want to slow down a lot when it comes to photography. I do love doing it and I do love being behind the camera, but it does take A LOT away from my family time.  I’m blessed to have such great clients that understand that I do have a family and family has to come before editing. 


Welcome Back Mama! My Mama is back! AHH! I can’t believe that she’s finally here. I’ve missed her so much. Having a 15 hour difference was hard. She missed Haidyn so much, so seeing the both of them together was so great. They really missed each other so much. I’m glad she’s home. My heart is so full!


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