Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

I will admit that I almost forgot when Mother’s Day was until Waymon planned a trip for us to get away for the weekend.  He always has perfect timing with our little getaways.  Mother’s day has become very meaningful to me because I now I know what being a mother entails. I had no idea how much busier my life would be being a Mom.  I didn’t know how I run on almost no sleep, keep our family together and work all at the same time, until I realized it’s because  I am a Mom

mothers day 2014

My mama always taught me that being a mother would be the most difficult yet rewarding job I will ever hold. She said that my life would never be the same because I would learn to love and give more than I ever did before and in return a “Thank You” will be all it takes to make it all worth it. She was absolutely right. I cherish every “thank you” for Waymon and Haidyn more than ever.  I love being a Mom and I do make sure to thank her and express how much I love her every chance I get.

Happy Mother’s Day to the two women in my life that have been such wonderful mom’s to look up to. Thank you for everything you do. I love you both so much.

This Mother’s Day I’m spending with my family and mother-in-law in California. It’s been amazing to get away from Reno even just for the weekend and spend some quality time with my loved ones. Most importantly, I’m so thankful that I get to spend the weekend relaxing to gear up for another busy week.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the other Mom’s out there!


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