Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Haidyn Eighteen Months| Happy 1/2 Birthday !


Haidyn is growing like a weed! She is standing at 30 inches and weighing in at 23.4 lbs. I swear to you that she’s going to be bigger than me! She's already half my size [:


Haidyn is as healthy as can be other than the recent stomach bug she went through.  However, when she gets sick all hands are on deck. She’s not one to fuss or whine when she’s not sick, but if she starts to you know that she’s not feeling well. When she’s sick she’ll do whatever it takes for you to take her to school, which is the sweetest thing in the world.  


She’s the kid that will say “Hi” and “Bye” to everyone just to make them smile. She’s opinionated when she has to be and most of the time she HAS to be.  She’s friendly and very kind and polite, but very sassy when she wants to be. She’ll give you the “sass” stare if she’s not feeling what you’re putting down. She’s the sweetest kid you’ll ever meet and will always let you know how much she loves you with one of her amazing hugs.


The only time she’s a picky eater is if her teething is getting in the way of her eating.  During teething she’ll only eat; rice, eggs, colbie jack cheese and noodles. Could she be anymore Filipino? [: But when she’s not teething she will eat just about anything from sushi to roast to veggies and all fruits. You name it and she’ll eat it.


She sleeps through the night and has been since she was 2 months old. We got extremely lucky with her in the sleep department. However, she does wake up before I go to work because she’s hungry or just wants to say “Hi”. I still like to think she wakes up just to see me in the morning. So every morning at 4 am I get a wakeup call from her saying “Mama” and I jump out of bed to get my morning cuddles and she lays back down. She’s always been a good sleeper at set her own schedule. She sleeps from 7:30/8:00 pm to about 7:30 am.


 It’s no joke that she’s growing. Haidyn is fitting into 2T,24M and 3T in both shirts and pants now. Her pants are finally catching up to her body. She stopped fitting into 18M by 15ish months, talk about sobbing Mommy over here.  She’s in between 5-6 now in shoes. :[ We can never get her the right shoe at the moment. As soon as we buy her a pair she’s already out grown them!


Her language skills are through the roof. She can say up to 30 + words. I’ve combined Tagalog, sign language and English for her because I want her to be bilingual. ( When she gets older I hope for her to learn Paiute as well). She says some words and understands in Tagalog, but most of it is in English. And even though she can’t say a specific word she has to sign it to us. Everyone from grandparents to us understands what she’s saying. She’s having a tough time putting together words to form sentences but I’m sure that will come with age. She babbles in her own little way (especially if she wants to sit and argue with you).



She is my sneaky explorer. She’s one to climb on just about anything and doesn’t care about how far the fall might be. She can climb up stairs all by herself (even though it still terrifies me). So the playground is her thing! She loves to run, jump, play catch and play basketball! As far as it goes for sneaky, she loves getting into little things and digging things out of places you never thought were possible. She loves drawing and “coloring” for all of us to hang up on the fridge.


She’s starting to become more independent and learning that she can do more without us. She’s having a fun time learning how to activate all her toys and sit to play with all her complicated toys.


Haidyn is still trying to figure out how to not hit/bite others when she’s frustrated, but it’s a work in progress. When she’s not frustrated though, she loves to show you how much she loves and cares for you. She’s not shy in showing you at all. If you get a hug from her, you know you’re in her inner circle. She loves playing with others even though sometimes it is rough for her to share. She does through tantrums. The terrible 2’s started early for us, but we’re not that shocked. She’s not much into dolls, other than Mowglie, but she loves her stuffed animals and pretending she’s a doctor to fix them up.


-swimming in the lake
-play the drums
-play basketball
-dancing and singing
-playing telephone
-grocery shopping
-colbie jack cheese
-going to school
-going to grandma and gramps’ house
-pow wows
-dressing up
-doc mcstuffins
-imitating animal sounds
-all animals


 -water being poured on her head
-when ppl don’t understand her
-being told “no”
-sitting “in the hallway” (timeout)

- 8 teeth and 4 more on the way! Unfortunately, she's an over achiever in the teeth dept and likes to cut more than one at a time! :(
-         No more bottles!
-         Eats with a spoon ( rare but she can do it)
-         comprehends directions and rules ( knows right from wrong)
-         “reads” on her own
-         Tries to undress and dress herself
-         Speaks clear to where ppl understand
-         Tries to brush teeth by herself
-         Can walk up and down stairs
-         Running everywhere!


-Haidyn is the best sous chef. She’s always helping me with the food and trying to cook it herself. It makes it easier to keep her entertained while I’m in the kitchen.
-When you pick her up for school/come home she gives you the biggest hug she can give you just to say “Hi”.
-Her hugs and kisses cure any stress you have on you btw.
- Learning/ comprehending Tagalog is one of the best things I can teach Haidyn. It’s a part of me that I love passing down to her.
-Watching her dance is something else. Her hips start going and she can’t control them!
- She’s a social butterfly and I love the fact that she can fit in wherever she goes. She played with her cousins right off the bat right after we introduced them.
- She’s traveling machine! We’ve traveled a lot this past year and did so well! We might even have to take her to Disneyland! [: But don’t tell her.

Check out her last 1/2 birthday, here.  Sometimes I miss my itty bitty baby girl. <3


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