Saturday, May 23, 2015


This post is up early since I will be recapping our weekend later next week. I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Weekend. 

Haidyn is off doing her own thing most of the time now. She HAS to do it herself and you have to let her do it because it’s either you let her do it herself or she will throw a tantrum. Oh yeah, she isn’t shy to let you know (and everyone else) that she is not happy with you at the moment. I’m growing accustom to just letting her do things on her own, while I volunteer my help as needed. We went grocery shopping this week and she insisted that she was done sitting in the cart and needed to push the car now because if Mama can do it, so can she damn it! Nothing is stopping her from getting up and goes! 

I’ve watched other parents pick up their children from me for years and I’ve always wished for that kind of excitement in my child. Now, I love that when I pick her up from school she will get so excited (shrieking excited) and come to me! Man does it feel good!   All the stress from work melts away when I see her telling me “Hi” as soon as I pick her up . She knows how happy it makes me too so she will keep doing it or give me a huge hug.

School field trips are better when you're more independent too! 

The weather is still on the chili/rainy/stormy side this week. I still love it! How can you not when all you get to do is eat soups and cuddle with my favorite three ( yup I included Sass this time [: ) I whipped up a batch of Tex Mex Chili and paired it with Real Corn Cornbread for dinner this week. Don’t worry I will be posting the recipe to the cornbread this Wednesday. It will seriously blow your minds. Thank you weird Nevada weather so that I can make really good foods to counter you.

We don’t know what else we’re doing this weekend, other than spending it with the Mangosing’s Saturday night. It’s supposed to be a camp out with all of us and I can’t wait! Of course, I already don’t plan on sleeping outdoors because of Haidyn. She doesn’t do well sleeping in places she’s not absolutely comfortable with. So most likely,  we will stay late and catch up with everyone and head home. Other than that, I hope we get to just spend a lot of QT together. That’s always the best time. Waymon has planned a little Gilmore Girl style dinner for Friday to kick off our weekend and I couldn't be more stoked! He's seriously the best husband.


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