Friday, September 18, 2015

30 Day Water Challenge

I began the water challenge with a couple of my coworkers. Along with the water challenge we challenged ourselves to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle by working out, eating better and staying active. These ladies are amazing and really kept me motivated to lose that extra pre-pregnancy weight I’ve been putting off this past year.  We challenged ourselves to drink only a gallon of water every day (includes black coffee, tea and infused waters) for an entire month.  On a regular day I drank my 8 cups of water plus a couple cups of tea, but this challenged pushed me to drink more and actually stay hydrated.

Now, I know what most of you are thinking “You can have too much water you know..” And yes I know that, however the girls and I drank the gallon of water throughout our entire day. We stretched it out so that we didn’t have too much water in one sitting. We labeled our gallons of water and made sure we hit our mark and stay motivated. We helped each other keep accountable even during the weekends. 

I'm really bad at sticking to something, but 30 days later I’m living proof that it can be done and that it actually makes a difference! I feel less bloated , more awake , my skin is clear and glowing a bit. I do crave sweet drinks now and again and I did give in during this challenge once or twice, but other than that I didn't do anything crazy. I've been doing the Bikini Mommy Body Challenge along with my water.  I missed some workouts due to being sick and got back on it. Water helped me so much and I will continue to lug around my motivation jug around to keep these amazing results.


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