Sunday, July 12, 2015



This week Haidyn turned 15 months! (Insert every sad emoji here) We went to the doctor on Friday to have her 15 month check up. Here are her stats now ; H-30 3/4 in, W-21.8 lbs .  I can’t believe how fast time is flying with her. She’s grown so much since her 1st birthday that I can’t even imagine.  She’s becoming so much more independent and is talking like crazy. I’m extremely proud of her right now as she is becoming more and more familiar with how to communicate with everyone around her. She does have her moments where she melts down, but that’s completely expected for her age.
 Right now, she is communicating with us through sign language ( even Grandma, Grandpa and Lolo know what the signs mean) , Tagalog (she can understand a lot more direction and she says “bottle” in Tagalog which is so cute) and English. I can’t wait for her to learn Paiute along with everything else. I really want her to be well rounded in her culture and speak the language.  


This past weekend was also Haidyn’s first trip to the Ace’s stadium!! Our family is all about baseball and baseball butts :] so I was so excited to finally take Haidyn to a game. The baseball game is a company baseball game all of us to attend with our families. Waymon and I originally wanted to take Haidyn to the SF Giants game as her first game, but we also wanted to see how she would react to a loud game before spending that much money on baseball tickets. I had 4 tickets (Haidyn didn’t use one) so I invited Colbie and Nasaya to hang out with us for free food and drinks. I mean seriously? How can you not go to a game like that? More pics to be posted soon of our game day! 


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