Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Summer Bucket List

June is officially here and my family couldn’t be more thrilled!(Insert crowd uproar here)  Reno has been experiencing a ton of rain/stormy weather lately, but I hope we will get to enjoy a little sunshine here soon. This summer will be the first summer that we can all actually go out spend a lot of time outdoors; which we couldn’t be more excited about. We don’t really like to spend all of our time indoors so I’ve made our bucket list for this summer. It’s definitely a list that is very simple, but very doable things. We don’t have to go out of our way to do a lot of stuff on the list. Our hopes are to finish the list by September.  I hope that we can actually complete it so that we can share a ton of pictures with all of you. I would love to see your bucket lists for this summer and all of your summer pictures! Let me know what your family is doing this summer.  Happy June Everyone!


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