Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Haidyn Nine Months

LENGTH: 27 1/2 inches

-          Pulling herself up onto the laundry baskets
-          Chasing Sassafras around
-          Drinking medicine ( we’ve got a weird kid).
-          Feeding herself for breakfast/lunch / dinner ( don’t even try to help her because she can do it better than you)
-          Playing with her Uncle Jon!
-          Playing with anything musical. She loves all types of music.
-          Talking to everyone. I swear she is having a full on conversation with anyone that will listen.
-          Trying to make people laugh/smile. I’ve caught her a few times eyeing people in the store just to make them smile.
-          Laughing! All because it’s hilarious to laugh.
-          “Swimming” in the tub for bath time!
-          Snuggling Mommy before bed time.
-          Biting! I am guilty that I’ve taught her to bite. So now my kisses are paired with a nice bite on the lips.
-          -Taking pictures. She is such a ham when the camera comes out!

-Falling down after trying to get up
-Getting her diaper changed (she’d rather be crawling somewhere)
-When she can’t see you, but knows you’re there.
-Mastering the “pincher”
-Pulling herself up onto things
-Sitting up (finally!! )
- Saying “mama”, “dada”, “papa”, “nana” and etc
-Crawling! We found out that baby girl knew how to crawl the entire time, she just refused to. Stinker!!
- supports her own weight while standing! (trying to walk too!! )

-Papa Lolo’s 60th birthday
-My first Christmas with everyone!
-Meeting most of the Mangosing’s.
-Meeting all my Wright cousins/family.
- Uncle Jon’s Vacation
-Mommy’s 24th birthday
- My first New Year’s


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