Monday, May 4, 2015

Week in Pictures| Discovery Museum Saturday

Waymon and I typically plan our Saturday’s around something fun for Haidyn. This week we chose to see the insect petting at the Discovery Museum. Waymon had never been to the museum so he was up for seeing some bugs! Haidyn loves the museum as she goes there frequently on school field trips. But last Saturday was the first of many times that we plan to come to the Discovery Museum. 

 As soon as we got out of the car, she knew EXACTLY where we were. She didn't want to waste another minute in the parking lot when she could be inside the museum. 

We explored each part of the museum thoroughly Haidyn’s way. Haidyn became our mini tour guide through the museum. She had a blast showing us what to do, all while we had a blast watching her light up as we tried all of the gadgets with her. We were impressed that she knew what to do in each room. She was not shy to go up to try something new and let you know how cool she thought it was!

We spent time exploring the Nevada section including the Native American Tribes, Gambling, Mining and Basque exhibits!

After the Nevada section we headed to the science section where we created our own earthquake, build our own earthquake tower, made enough energy to light up the Reno sign and attempted to build an arch. 

  Before checking the petting zoo out we headed to the Under 5 section of the museum to keep Haidyn entertained. She got to play a lot of different types of toys to assist with developmenting her fine motor and large motor skills. I was excited to see her enjoy all of the toys.

We didn’t get to take pictures with the insects, but she was amazed at all the bugs. I was even more amazed that she wanted to touch them all. She loved their colors, how they felt and how friendly the staff was. She was very impressed by the caterpillar and the butterfly station.  I’m pleased that she enjoyed the insects, hopefully she'll continue to do so unlike myself. I tend to squeal when bugs come around.

We ended our trip with visiting the water/camping section of the museum. We spent most of our time here. Haidyn got to see how boats sailed through water and it’s currents, but Haidyn was more interested in playing with all of the little balls, boats and the other little ones at the end of water section. She enjoyed it so much she even tried to take off her shoes like the other kids to play in the water.


Another great busy Saturday in the books of us! I can’t wait to take her to more museums and exhibits!


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