Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Terrible Tuesday

This is the post that has no pictures and only words that will paint you a picture of my terrible Tuesday. I can’t promise you that I won’t’ whine the entire time about how bad my day was; I am human after all but I will try to. I completely understand that I was being a huge baby, but this is how I coped.
I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day at 4am. That rarely happens, but I went with it anyways. My hair was curled and cooperated, make up completed and dressed slipped on all under 10 minutes. I was excited for the work lunch scheduled a month ago, so no lunch needed to pack for today! (or so I thought)The drive to work that usually takes me 20 minutes took me 15. All lights were green on the way to work. Everything was going to be a breeze.
 Work has been crazy chaotic and when things get chaotic I get stressed.  Emails and to- do lists were piling up right before my eyes and I couldn’t answer/ do the tasks fast enough. My mind was in a whirlwind. I sat in a meeting for 2.5 hours with a promise of lunch that I never received. My lunch that I almost packed and was so excited not to bring was suddenly so missed. I settled for a frozen pizza , the kind that you buy at 7-11 when you’re about 7 and believe that THIS is the best pizza you’ve ever tasted. When you’re a grown woman this pizza doesn’t taste anything like when you’re 7. I eventually got my work situation handled and work load to be manageable.
Soon enough, work was over and I got to pick up Haidyn. Thee absolute best part of my day. Haidyn has been a mess since she’s been cutting 3 more teeth, but nothing major until this Tuesday when we got home. Haidyn is really independent when she’s at school or when we’re out running errands. Everything changes when we step inside the house, something switches in that very instance to create the little girl that won’t leave Mama’s side.  I had to cook, clean, play with Haidyn all with her on my hip crying because she was hungry/her teeth hurt . The latter is typical for me except for Tuesday I burnt myself cooking, cut myself putting away knives, chased away from the cat food (twice) and got in a little argument with Jon because I just couldn’t calm down. I got so worked up that I end up crying while I was bandaging up my cut and blood was everywhere.
I broke down Tuesday crying and frustrated with everything going on. I stopped talking. I did what I had to do all with being quiet. I broke down to Waymon on how I needed to do more and that there weren’t enough hours in the day with the things I had to do before we left this weekend. My mood was shot so there when Haidyn’s mood as well until she looked at me before bed time letting me know that everything was going to be alright and tomorrow was a new day.  But thank you Tuesday, for keeping me humble.

Damn you Tuesday.


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