Saturday, May 9, 2015


This post blog post is going up earlier than usual as I am away for the weekend.  Sweet and short it is. [:
This week has been a whirlwind for me. I was overwhelmed with all of the positive feedback from everyone on my body image post. Words cannot express how touched I was to see how many people took the time to read the post and see how much it took for me to post it. You have no idea how much it means to me. All the positivity that came from this post had revved me up to be more positive and stay that way. Though, I’ve had a rough beginning of the week the rest of the week has been looking up!
Our mini trip to Palo Alto is currently a success! It’s great to hang out with family during Mother’s Day weekend. More pictures to come on our adventures to come next week.  

I finally went to the eye doctor for some new glasses. When I say that I’m blind, I really do mean it. I’ve worn glasses since I was in middle school and I always hated wearing them, but now that I work behind a computer I WANT them! Over the years, my taste in glasses has evolved. Before I would try to get the rimless, very subtle glasses but now realizing that I actually need to have a bigger frame to house my coke bottles I decided to go with a bigger frame. My frames will look similar to these. When I saw them at the store I immediately fell in love because they aren’t like any of the other glasses I’ve had before. I’m so excited!! I’m embracing my inner nerd in them. I figured hey might as well rock the nerd mom chic look right? More pics to come when I receive them!

I had a day off with Haidyn this week. I always love my days off with her since we get to run errands and be silly without all of the weekend crowds! We went birthday shopping for her cousin’s birthday that we unfortunately will have to miss  :[ , cake shopping for a going away potluck at work and off to the eye doctor to get me some new specs! I’m always so surprised how Haidyn is well behaved in public. Not saying that she’s a bad kid, but because I can’t believe she’s always so friendly with everyone in public. She just loves to be out and about as if she’s a little grown up herself! Haidyn even got to sit at work with me for a little bit before we had to leave. She got to say “Hi” to everyone and I mean everyone until her heart was content. 

i finally changed out her earrings for the summer! thank you lola! 
Happy early Mother’s Day to the entire amazing Mom’s out there! I know I’m excited to be celebrating my 2nd Mother’s day with loved ones.


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