Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week In PIctures| Mother's Day Weekend

Mother’s Day weekend was a blast! Waymon planned a trip for us to check out the Stanford Pow Wow in Palo Alto. The 6 hour drive with our sassy girl was worth it when we saw her reaction to the Pow Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Haidyn so excited in her life. She was singing, dancing and talking up the storm while we were down there ( still hasn’t stopped since we’ve come back either [: ) 

 Waymon surprised me with a Mother's Day card and the best candy in the world Friday night after work, while Haidyn surprised me with her first Mother's day Craft! 

We headed down to Palo Alto Saturday morning with the family.  


 We stopped in Oakland for some refueling at Chipotle and to get Waymon his fix at the Raiders’ store.  Waymon was in heaven ! 

After our stop we got back on the road to Palo Alto to the university.  We arrived around 1 pm at the university and headed straight to the all of the booths. Haidyn was amazed at everything that was going on . I don’t think she’s seen that many people at one time. 

The drums were playing and people were singing all around us . Haidyn must have gone into sensory overload, but loved every minute of it. She smiled at everyone that came near here. We met up with family to sit down and watch the festivities. 


Since this being Haidyn’s first pow wow, I wanted to show her everything up close. I headed to the front of the crowd so that she could get a closer look. She loved being able to see the dancers up close and personal! She danced herself before we headed back to our seats to sit back for a couple hours.


We knew that Haidyn wasn’t going to nap during this time, so we headed to Milpitas to check into our hotel and get some dinner. Haidyn ended up not sleeping at all, even though she needed it but she had fun in the little pool at the hotel.

 By the time we headed back to the Pow Wow she was out! Waymon and I got to check out the booths for ourselves and get some Frybread. Mmm. I’m still drooling over mine. I will say that spending quality time with Waymon even for 20 minutes is a rarity now, but I cherish every minute we get.

We left the university at around 1030pm to beat the crowds heading home. Haidyn of course woke up when we got to the hotel and didn’t want to go back to sleep. I  stayed up until about 2:00 am with her until she could finally rest .  She had so much fun that she didn’t want to sleep or let anyone else sleep Saturday night. We woke up about 6:30 am to get breakfast before heading back to Reno.  

finally asleep!!!

Waking up with her and no sleep made me realize how much I do cherish Mother's Day and everything being a mother entails.  My 2nd Mother's Day was in the books and boy did my girl make me earn it this time!   I’m glad that we had a lot of fun on the trip prior to Haidyn’s melt down at the hotel. It’s duly noted that she is not one to travel right now nor is she able to be without me for long periods of time. The latter made me happier than you would think. I really don't want my baby to grow up faster than she has to.  I know it’s going to last a little while longer so I’m savoring it until it’s gone. My treat was a Thai tea Boba and a happy girl returning home to make all of the pain of sleeping on the floor disappear. 3 days with my family was all I needed to recharge to head back to work yesterday.

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!


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