Friday, May 1, 2015

Week in Pictures: Weekend Edition

This past weekend was a hectic one for us. I had two shoots this past weekend, three parties and grocery shopping to do! It doesn’t sound like much but it felt like we never sat down the entire weekend.  We were blessed enough to spend a lot of quality time with our loved ones all weekend long.  We saw both sets of grandparents (excluding my Mama since she is still out of town- seriously can you come home already?!?)  which is always so nice for Haidyn.

Friday, Haidyn and I headed over for our Sushi birthday dinner for our beloved birthday celebrant. Haidyn demolished her sushi and flirted with our server.  We really are a sushi loving family. I think it might even be our “Klondike bar”, if you catch my drift.
she was too hungry to smile.

Saturday, we spent our morning grocery shopping before watching Revenge, napping and spending time with Auntie Shann for her birthday. Haidyn loved hanging out with her older cousins and her new dog bud. She eventually got scared of him, but I’m really glad she tried to be friends with him even for a little while.  We spent the mid afternoon throwing around a mini football. I attempted to do the latter as the girls reminded me that they were taking it easy on me during our game.

pre grocery shopping!

Sunday, we headed to Bartley Ranch for my first shoot. Haidyn and Waymon hung out at the park for a bit while I took senior pictures. Haidyn always has so much fun at the parts with Waymon. I’m pretty sure he’s a lot more fun than I am.  After my shoot, we headed out to my Auntie’s to celebrate my cousin Marc’s graduation! It was awesome to see all of my cousins , aunts and uncles all together. Haidyn of course fell in love with yet another dog and tried to play with him instead of eating. Haidyn got to spend time with Lolo before we headed to Fernley for my next shoot.

pooped after a night of partying [:


I was excited for my next shoot as it was my client’s first birthday! I can’t even tell you how much I love my baby clients.  He was so cute! We went up to the high school for his shoot. I was blown away at how nice FHS is now compared to when I went. I will admit that I was a little jealous too.  It definitely didn't look that nice back in the day.

After my last shoot of the day, we got together at Grandma and Grandpa’s for dinner with Uncle Colbie. We hung out in the yard while we waited for dinner. Grandma made amazing pesto and I totally made Waymon eat some of it. He's "allergic" to it, not really but you get it.  I swear to you, being in Wadsworth is probably Haidyn’s absolute favorite place to be other than home. She always has such a great time there.


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