Sunday, May 17, 2015


Haidyn officially started walking last week, but I didn’t get to write about it until now. I can’t believe my girl is walking! She’s getting around so much more and she loves it. I love that with every step she takes she laughs and claps for herself. She’s so proud of herself and we’re so proud of her as well! Everyone has been telling me that I’m the only one that wasn’t ready to see her walk and I know they’re right. As much as I enjoy Haidyn becoming more and more independent, it is hard to see it happening right before my eyes. I know it’s inevitable, but I’m a huge baby when it comes to knowing that she won’t need me soon. :[ 

screen shots from her video walking!

I knew that I had to upgrade to bigger frames . I couldn’t settle for eh frames since I need to wear them more often than not now. I’m so excited they finally came! I cried when I put them on. I was so excited to see everything so clear. My plan is to wear them when I’m at work and when I have to work on my computer. Believe it or not that takes more than half of my week! I haven’t worn glasses full time since I was in middle school! I’m diggin the mama geek chic feel of them too. Jon actually was singing the “New Girl” theme song when I showed him for the first time haha.  I’m extremely happy with how they came out and how they look- even if I look my Papa :] 

The weather has been gloomy and rainy almost all week now. You would think that I would be depressed, but I’m actually happy that we’re having some precipitation. It’s nice to actually feel /see rain now. I hope that it lasts for a while. We’re definitely going to need it this summer. Selfishly, I want it to be a little cooler for just a bit longer since I bought Haidyn a lot of cute long sleeve tops that she didn’t get to wear yet. Haha I know I’m weird.


We watched my mother-in-law finish her Silver State 50/50 Endurance Run- a half marathon. She is a BEAST! She’s an inspiration when it comes to being motivated with fitness. On any given day she can run up to 13 miles during her training. I’ll give it to her I can barely run 1 mile without dying. Haidyn loved being with Grandpa and Daddy while we waited. My mother-in-law killed it! We’re so proud of her.



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