Friday, March 31, 2017

Healthier Ranch Recipe

My husband is a ranchaholic.  Boy would drown in ranch if we could. It’s insane how much he puts on the side of his food. He’s changing his lifestyle right along with me so we created a healthier version of his favorite condiment for him to enjoy alongside his food. It’s simple enough to make and a batch of this keeps well in the fridge in a mason jar for at least a month.  I like ranch and I don’t love it as much as he does, but this stuff is good! I don’t feel guilty eating it and a little goes such a long way. 


  • 7 oz plain greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp Ranch packet seasoning
  • 1-2 tsps of water 


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small mason jar and shake or stir together until well incorporated. You may add in more water to achieve that ranch consistency you like.

Is that the easiest thing you’ve ever seen or what? I love this simple recipe. If you want to add a little spice I would add hot sauce ( tapatio or sriracha). If you want a little more tang add in fresh chives. This ranch is great on side with pizza, chicken, carrot sticks or on salads. You won’t feel an ounce of guilt using this sauce. It’s all protein! Who doesn’t love that?  


  1. I am a ranchoholic too and definitely going to try this new recipe out. Gonna make my wife try this out as well.
