Friday, May 27, 2016

Run This Way!

Thanks to Nevada weather and my lazy ass I’ve neglected to work out.  When we adopted Rory I made it my mission to get out of the house more (activity wise). I want our family to be and stay active and I knew that Rory’s energy level would force us to do that. I walk Rory daily, but I felt like that wasn’t enough for us.  By the time we got done with our ½ a mile walk she wanted to walk more and more. Rory is now up to almost 3 miles a day with no problem. We’re finally in a routine where I’m altering walking and running everyday when we can.
 A big part of our running is thanks to the C2K app. This app is amazing because your progress slowly improves week by week. I only have to run 3x a week at my own pace. I will admit it’s hard to run with a puppy and pushing a stroller up and down hills but it’s all about the process for me right now. I have to remind myself that it’s a process and that slowly I will show progress in my body.

Of course, I have to hide the scale because now that I’m staying active my clothes are loser and I feel better, but the scale says otherwise. My goal this summer is to keep this going until winter hits again as well as go on weekly hikes with the family on Sundays. I want to always be able to spend this time with my girls soaking up some sun while we get to be outside. Thankfully, the girls are complaining about more outside time. 

Side note * I'm also extremely excited that Waymon has joined me in running!!


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