Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Goal Getter | March

I will be honest let all of you know that my first month of goal getting didn’t go so well. I did about half of what I listed, but I wasn’t also focusing on my goals last month. This month I’m coming back focused and determined to tackle my goals! I also believe that I had such a long list to complete that I have to revise my goals. Note to self: walk before running.  Check out my update on my previous goal getter, here to see how I did last month. 

  1. Complete Core De Force
  2. Push through those spikes in CDF
  3. Search for more variety in meal planning
  4. Drink a gallon of water a day.
  5. Focus building muscle instead of losing weight. Get rid of the damn scale!
  6. Support fellow BB more in challenge groups on new platform.
  7. Start Core De Force Round II.


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