Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Happy 1st Birthday Lorelai!

I cannot believe my sweet baby girl is one! She’s definitely no longer looks like the pup that we brought home a year ago, but she’s sure tries to act like it. Rory has the sweetest soul that I could never live without. Out of my three girls she’s the calmest and most gentle (at times). More often than not, I let her get away with more than I’d like to admit.  

She’s always there for us waiting for any chance to sit with you when she feels like you need someone there. She’s always up with me in the mornings to make sure I get off to work okay. She’s always causing chaos with her Ate Haidyn and making sure that she eats up all of her new toys. She’s also always trying to make me control my shoe addiction by eating the hideous shoes I seem to never throw away.  She’s full of fun and spunk that she just can’t contain herself, especially when it comes to her Papa Willie.  She’s busted a hole in the wall because she’s so excited her Daddy is home (he was not pleased btw).  

 This year has shown us that without you our lives would be dull and that you bring the excitement to us. I’m still so in love with her just like the day I saw her. Happy happy birthday sweet girl. You’ve brought me such joy to my life that I will be forever grateful for. Thank you for being the best side kick a Mama could ask for and the best friend Haidyn will always cherish.  I know that your Ate Haidyn will show you how much she loves you for the entire day!

 We love you Ror! 

Other Links of Rory 


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