Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Kale Chips

Give me all the kale chips in the world! Seriously, I love kale more than I should. This is the super food trend that you need to get on and learn to love. These chips are so much better for you than the regular potato chips and you will feel a hell of a lot less guilty eating these. I ate a bucket full of these during the super bowl and I felt no guilt. My dog also loves these chips! Oh yeah, my Rory is convinced that these chips are her treats.  Fooling everyone in my family to get more veggies in is always a win!

  • 2 bunches of  kale leaves
  • Olive Oil Spray
  • Salt/ Pepper to tastes
  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with paper towel. ( You want the kale leaves to be very dry)
  3. Remove kale leaves from stems.
  4. Tear/ Cut leaves into bite-sized pieces and discard all of the stems.
  5. Line large baking sheet with silicone baking sheet and arrange kale leaves. ( You may use foil/ parchment paper that is lightly greased. )
  6. Lightly spray all kale leaves with olive oil spray.
  7. Season leaves with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until crisp. ( If you like your kale chips crisper leave the kale in the oven until oven is cool.)


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