Monday, March 13, 2017

Core De Force | Week Three

Wrapping up week three I’m not going to lie, I’m a little sad that my CDF month is almost over. This workout is giving me so much confidence in myself during and after my workout.


I’ve lost track of the scale. If you’ve been following me on my journey you know that this is a big struggle for me. I couldn’t shake the need to judge my progress on the scale. I’ve used it on a weekly basis but I’m now trusting my struggle and no longer relying on it. My non-scale victories are more exciting than the scale is right now. Black clothing is no longer my go to color to hide behind instead its becoming my go to confident color. I love that feeling. Also let’s talk about this striped dress! I dreaded wearing this dress because it’s striped and you can see everything. This week I rocked this dress without fear of looking or feeling fat in it. It’s amazing to not suck in the entire time while you’re wearing a dress like this. I’m confident enough to wear this dress and strut my shit. Bring on the stripes!


Shout out to my baby obliques for coming in and shining through! I’m getting stronger this time around and I can definitely tell during my 45 min workouts this week. I’m pushing through every workout regardless if I want to give up or not. By the end of each workout I'm dripping sweat and my knees are buckling.No greater feeling than that.

 Also seeing that you're literally shrinking is a beautiful thing. My husband bought me this sweatshirt a year ago and it's falling off of me now. It's so big on me now that I have to roll it while I'm wearing it because you know that I'm not going to give up my Giants gear :) 

Bring on week four!


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