Monday, February 6, 2017

Birthdays & Super Bowl LI

The first week of February always brings us the Wells’ birthdays. Oh yeah you read the correctly. My father in law, mother in law and my husband’s birthday all fall within the first few days of February. The plus side of this is that we always get to celebrate together for their birthday and then on the weekend we get to celebrate the Super Bowl. Who doesn’t love a good celebration? 

This week was busy, but relaxing which never happens to us. I got to take some time off on Waymon’s birthday and spend the day with him. Haidyn was sick for most of the weekend (she eventually got us sick) so made sure to cater to her, but have a good time regardless. For the time that she was feeling well, we spent an hour at Trampoline Park in town. (I don’t know what you’d really call it, but I’m rolling with it.) We had so much fun after I stopped being a chicken and actually let loose. We also discovered that Haidyn is a fearless little babe and totally showed me up in wanting to do so many jumps on and off the trampolines. 

Saturday we got to take our parents out to lunch at Morgan’s Lobster Shack. If you’re in Reno/ Truckee area you need to try this place out. It’s to die for.   This was their first time going here and they were pretty impressed too. Haidyn was so excited to see her Hootsee and Papa. 


Super Bowl Sunday my mother in law and I headed up to Verdi to run a 5k before the game. I literally thought I was going to die, but it turns out I made it through the 5k just fine and I enjoyed pushing myself through running. After the run we headed out to Wadsworth to enjoy the Super Bowl festivities. We had food galore and we actually cut back! Leave it to us to do that! The girls had fun with Uncle Woody too. Well Haidyn had fun, Rory was just terrorized. :) Uncle plays favorites.

Can it always be the weekend?



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