Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tips for Working Out w/ Kids

I feel like most people would run the other way with that title because most people also consider workout time to be “me time”. If you’re like me your toddler is stuck to your hip and wants to be with you at all times; you forfeited your “me time” for “us time”. But honestly, are you really that bummed about it? I’m definitely not. Here are some of the tips I recommend when working out with your toddler.  
  1. Get them involved.   It’s already a given that your little one wants to be you, so lead by example. If you’re working out they want to know why. Show them that they need to be healthy just as much as you’re striving to be healthy. Haidyn acts as if she’s my assistant. She’ll get my shoes ready, water, she’ll even lay out my yoga mats for me. She helping me and she feels wanted because of it as well. You will never see a prouder moment than your little one showing you they can do it too. Haidyn even goes so far as to workout with me! She doesn’t skip a beat. She’s having fun right along with me.  I want to show her that staying healthy should be a priority and that she is more than welcome to join me if she so chooses to.

  2. Get your ritual down. Kids thrive on routine so when you’re creating your ritual include them in it. Let them know that workout time is for you and they can join if they’d like to.  I’ve got my own little ritual down to make myself accountable for my workouts and progress.  I come home, get Haidyn and Rory settled , start an activity with the girls ( i.e. walking  or playing outside), start dinner , get ready to work out and bust out my 30 min workout while dinner is on the stove/ in the oven. Every day is structured just like that because I’m a control freak that must have order.  This works for me, so I’ve stuck to this throughout my workouts.
  3. Embrace it.    I completely understand that Haidyn wants to be with me, so I embrace it instead of fighting it. It’s a little more time that I get to spend with her during our day. I know that this opportunity won’t be here forever so I’m cherishing it. My ideal workout wouldn’t be complete without her by my side

Working out with children shouldn’t be hard nor should it be your excuse not to workout. Yes, you’d get a lot more done without a toddler playing with her toys right beside you but what fun would that be if you weren’t able to watch her while you work out ?  Haidyn is always there giving me encouragement to hold for 10 more seconds or to do one more rep. Hell! She’s even gotten to the point to get her 2lb weights out and bust out some reps too.  You can’t beat that encouragement. I’m thankful that I have an incredible support system at home, my friends and my challenge groups that keep me focused on my goals. I’m especially thankful to my little girl for pushing to fight harder for my goals. 


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