Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Game Changer: The Chicken Brine

 If you’re like me, you and your family eat A LOT of chicken. You’re so into the routine of thinking/ searching Pinterest for the perfect weeknight chicken recipe which are always so great, but sometimes that chicken falls short. It’s dry and you’re disappointed. I eat chicken more often than not and I’ve stepped up my cooking game with brining the chicken. Oh yeah girl, I’ve gone to the brine side. My brother clued me in on this brining game since he meal preps too! He swore by this brining method that his chicken was the best chicken he’s ever had. Skeptical at first, I tried it regardless because I was going to have so much chicken the following week and I’m ready to admit that he was sooo right. I’ve been eating my chicken that was prepped on a Sunday all week and it’s still juicy and delicious. * Note that by day two of eating chicken I’m hating life because the chicken is so dry.* Never again will we have dry chicken! It’s so simple to do that I have to share the wealth on this one. 

·         Salt
·         Warm water ( not boiling or hot)
·         Large bowl
·         2 large chicken breasts
·         Seasoning of your choice ( we used 21DF approved seasoning) 

  1. Place thawed out chicken in a large mixing bowl. * Room temperate chicken is best*
  2. Fill bowl with warm water and add in a handful of sea salt .

  3. Let chicken sit in warm salt water for 15 minutes * You may let the chicken stay in this brine for about to 6 hours, but no more than that. *
  1. Grease a baking sheet and preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. After brining is completed, dry off chicken breasts with a towel.
  3. Taking your dry chicken, season it well on both sides with seasoning off your choice and place onto your greased baking sheet. 
  1. Bake chicken in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  2. Allow to rest for 5-10 minutes prior to cutting.

It’s that easy to brine your chicken! We now use this method for cooking chicken every single time and it’s perfect every single time.  I cannot get over how well this chicken holds over throughout the week for meal prep. Try this and let me know how you like it.


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