Monday, February 6, 2017

21 Day Fix | Week Four

Another round of 21DF is in the works. I’m a little more relaxed this time around with the work outs as I know what’s coming up on a daily basis. It’s also a relief that I won’t be doing double days with the workout for another two weeks.  Last week, was rough as 21DF recommends that you push for 2 a days for the very last week. It was well worth it though! I shared my story with all of you as well as my progress and though it was nerve racking it felt necessary for me to put it out there. I still want everyone to know that this program is worth it and can be done regardless of where you are in your fitness journey. My goal is to complete at least four rounds of 21DF. You have no idea how amazing it is to set goals like that. The fact that I’m confident in typing that is huge for me because of that fact that I know that I will push for that goal to be attained. That would’ve never happened before. 


WEIGHT LOSS - 1lb ! That's a win for me. I'm so close to losing almost 10 lbs!! WOHOO! 


I upped my weights to 10lbs for most of my workouts and would drop the weight to 6lbs if I really couldn’t handle my 10lbs during the workout. I finally was able to keep with pushups! I couldn’t believe it. I feel stronger and more confident working out. I've been recording myself workout and posting it on IG for more accountability.  I also got myself to run a 5k. I was actually surprised that I finished . I know it's not that long of a run, but I haven't ran in such a long time.


I’m getting more and more confident in my meal prep. I know what to prepare and what to eat. I’m also getting more and more creative in our food. It’s awesome to have people “oh and awe” over my meal prepped food. My simple food! I’m also getting better with my portion control as well. We’ve gone out for family day date and to celebrate my in laws and husbands birthday AND the superbowl with me staying on track because I know what to eat and what not to eat. I’m trying to keep up with my goals!
Thanks Ror for eating my fave container :(


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