Sunday, February 12, 2017

21 Day Fix | Week Five

 Another week down and another week of 21DF in the books. It seems like time is literally flying. I can't believe that it's all going so fast. Something hit me this week and changed me. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because I'm more comfortable with myself which in turns makes me more confident to share my journey more and more on social media. I know what you're thinking.. "Jannine you already share it ". Yes, I know this but I've limited myself to just writing about. I've always wanted to talk about. I'm camera shy when it comes to actually putting myself out there. This week was huge for me and I went live on FB and on IG. I'm proud of where I'm going on this journey and I want to share it with everyone- and I mean everyone. Surprisingly, a lot of people really cared and really wanted to see this part of me. So you all can expect a little more of me live ( with Haidyn of course).


WEIGHT LOSS - 2.8 lbs ! I officially hit 10 lbs lost and it feels sooooo damn good! As I mentioned before, I went live and shared it with everyone. It felt amazing. Five weeks ago, I would have NEVER shared anything like that other than writing it on the blog. Now, it's out there and I'm proud . The video now has over 500 views! Watch it!


Cardio days continue to challenge me , but I'm not letting it stop me. This week's cardio almost killed me. It was cardio day Friday and I'm still feeling it! It burns oh so good.

This week will serve as my two a days week because Saturday ends my round of 21DF round 2! I'm excited to see how much I've changed in just six weeks and share it with all of you! 


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