Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Superbowl + Healthy Food Choices

Every year the anticipation for Superbowl Sunday kills me and it’s all because of the food! I won’t dance around it. I’m not a football gal per se, but I watch it with my family and that’s good enough for me. Growing up, my dad would pull out all the stops for the Superbowl even if we never had company over. He’d make hamburgers, hot dogs and homemade chili galore. You would literally go into a food coma before the game ended. Now, that I’m trying to keep on track I don’t want to do that. I don’t think I could handle that much eating.  No food coma for me! I’ll take a nap instead. I’ve been searching everywhere for some healthier options and share them with all of you.  I’m so excited to create some of these appetizers. Best of all I’ll be able to stay on track without sacrificing flavor!

What are you guys eating this Superbowl? What’s your favorite appetizer?


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