Sunday, February 19, 2017

21 Day Fix Week Six | Round Two Results

And just like that my second round of 21DF is done and over with. This round was different than the first as I knew what to expect ( kind of ) workout wise. I was getting comfortable with working out with heavier weights and I was becoming more and confident in my workouts. The biggest thing that got me this round was the scale. I will admit that to all of you right here. I hit 10 lbs lost within my second week of my second round and I was obsessed with losing more and more weight. I didn't give a shit about how hard the workout was I wanted to get through it and lose more weight. You know what happens when you're obsessed with the scale? You do just that, you become obsessed with just the scale. 

You no longer see the non scale victories that you're achieving because mentally for some reason i was more worried about the number on the scale. Stupid me. That pattern continued into my third round and because of my attitude toward not losing weight my heart wasn't into my workout anymore. Don't get me wrong I was giving 110% every. single. time. But when it came to my heart being in the workout it just wasn't there. I was no longer having fun. My point  is that don't let that scale consume you. Don't forget that there are non scale victories along side those scale victories. My body has hit it's plateau with 21DF so I will be moving on to a different workout series. I can admit that now because I didn't want to early on. I want to leave the scale behind me. I don't want to judge all of my victory on that stupid number anymore and I will not longer let it consume me! Lesson definitely learned. With that being said, let's get into my results! 


R. ARM         12
L. ARM         11.5
CHEST          35
WAIST           31
HIPS               34.5
R. THIGH     20.5
L. THIGH     20.75
R. CALF       14.5
L. CALF       14.5

WEIGHT               130.8    


R. ARM         12
L. ARM         11.5
CHEST          34.5
WAIST           30
HIPS               35.5
R. THIGH     20.5
L. THIGH     21
R. CALF       14.5
L. CALF       14

WEIGHT            126.5     

 In 21 days I've lost 4.3 lbs and .75 of an inch . In two rounds of 21DF I've lost 11.5 lbs and 8.5 inches overall. I trained hard and I've changed my eating habits. This week was Valentine's Day week and though it was difficult to keep on track I made sure that I had my "cheat meal" during the weekend after my 21st day was done and over with. My struggle is real. I'm not perfect nor do I aim to be. I'm proud to be where I'm at in my journey. I'm comparing myself to myself and no one else. This is only the beginning. 

* Disclaimer : I am an independent beachbody coach. This blog post is not a sponsored post . All results and thoughts , opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting this blog and making this blog possible.


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