Wednesday, April 29, 2015

DIY- The Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday

Our mission was to celebrate Haidyn’s birthday outdoors for her first birthday. Out of our immediate family, she is the only one with a birthday that actually can be held outdoors since all of our birthdays land on holidays or when it’s extremely cold outside. We succeeded at our mission and though we are extremely exhausted beyond our wildest beliefs for days to follow her first birthday was a success! I would go through all of the stress again all for one special day with our family and friends.

apple invitations
hungry caterpillar masks

caterpillar "burps" for bubbles

strawberry mango jello poke cake - recipe soon!

mini cupcakes!
"ice cream" cupcakes and muffins

treat bags & caterpillar masks

large fruit cut outs!

death by chocolate cake

We chose the theme as this was her favorite book for me to read to her when she was in the womb. She would kick every time the caterpillar ate all of the food and became a big FAT caterpillar [:We wanted to DIY everything we could to keep it low key and simple.  I’m really glad we chose such a perfect theme for her first birthday. Until next year!


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