Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lil' Miss Designs Accessories Monthly Bow Description- Month One & Review

I found this store on facebook a little over 2 months ago while I was looking for Haidyn’s birthday bows.  I loved the fact that she had so many different options and ribbons styles to choose from. Each one is handmade and local; which I am a big supporter of.  Local is always better in my book. Lil’ MissDesigns offers a “Bow of the Month” subscription which offers 3 different options for the subscription; 3 month, 6 month or 1 year. The prices are reasonable and affordable if you are the one who loves to buy bows for your little one. I paid $ 90.00 for 3/bows a month for an entire year; which makes each bow $2.50 and shipping is free with the subscription.  You either get to pick the bows yourself or let her decide at random.   

Now that Haidyn’s hair is growing faster than I can keep up with, bows are an easy way to keep her hair in place and dress up her hair a little. My girl loves to play in the dirt at school so the bow doesn't fool anyone, but the bows always add a little flair to her outfits. She is starting to favor and pick her own bows too!  (Queue excited Mama Dance here)

She was not successful in eating this rock. Don't worry [: 
Each month of the bows I wanted to showcase all of the bows of the month that Lil’ Miss Designs created. This month I chose: SF Giants, St. Patrick’s Day and Elmo. All shipments are shipped out on the 15th of every month; however since the mail man didn’t have mine out to deliver on time I received a complimentary Easter bow! Seriously, #1 reason why I love local small businesses!Check out the business facebook here and check out the different bows and accessories she has to offer!

** This blog post is not a paid promotion by Lil’ Miss Designs and is simply a review of the business’ products ***  


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