Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Haidyn Twelve Months- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

This is Haidyn’s last update wrapping up her entire first year. I can’t believe how fast time has flown by us. My baby is no longer a baby, but an independent almost basically toddler. I won’t update on her stats every month anymore, instead I will update every 6 months or so. I will miss doing her updates every month since I’ve been doing our updates for the past 21 months, but I’m glad that I documented everything down for her to someday read. I do admit, I go back and read the updates just because I miss her being so teeny tiny. 

Height/Weight: 29 inches and 19.6 lbs!

Sleep:  I’m am one lucky mama that Haidyn has been sleeping through the night since she was 4 months old. Thank you Jesus for this blessing! The only time Haidyn will wake up is when she is thirsty for milk or having a night error. Other than the latter, my girl sleeps like a rock just like her mama.

Eating:  What can I say? If you follow me on FB or IG you know that Haidyn will eat ANYTHING you put in front of her. She is not picky on her foods at all. I love taking her to restaurants because she will eat whatever you’re having with no problems at all. I’ve transitioned her completely off formula to whole D milk; however she still refuses to drink it out of a sippy cup. I guess it’s not milk until it’s in a bottle. 

Clothing: Her tops are 12 months and some 9-12 months while her bottoms are 9 months and some 12 months. Most of the time I can’t get her head through her 9-12 month shirts even if they fit her perfectly which is the only reason why she’s moved to 12 months clothing. Her waist is smaller, so she fits perfectly into her 9 months while a lot of her 12 months still fall off of her.
Mood:  She is the happiest, silliest little thing. She spends her days laughing and exploring everything she can get her hands into and has absolutely no complaints. The only time she will get fussy is if she is starving and wants food/milk or if she’s tired other than that she is extremely laid back. 

  • Touch and feel animal book.
  • Octonauts theme song / Octonauts
  • Bruno Mars
  • Daddy walking through the door after work
  • Seeing Grandma, Grandpa and Lola
  • Mowglie
  • Pickups with Mama
  • Going to school
  • Taking bathes (going “ligo”)
  • Giving “loves”
  • Saying “SASS”


  • Follows commands
  • Says 10 words!
  • Throws small balls ( really anything)
  • Turns pages to the books
  • Tries to scribble!

What I Want to Remember:
Absolutely every little thing about this entire year! Every moment of this year I cherished and wrote about here or on FB. Waymon and I already reminisce on the “old” days with her as a newborn. I will miss all of our bonding together as an infant and how she needed me the most. My days don’t feel complete unless she has fallen asleep on my chest before bed.  

Looking Forward To: 

As much as it is bittersweet to watch my baby grow up , I can’t wait for her to talk and walk more so that we can do a lot more activities together. We are already connected at the hip and I feel lost without her most days, but her being able to talk will allow us to do so much more than we already do. She’s taught me so much in her first year that I want to return the favor and start teaching her.

Thank you all for following us throughout Haidyn’s first year and my pregnancy with her. I loved every update I’ve posted about her and how much our life has changed now that she’s with us now. I can’t wait for her to reread these posts later on to reminisce on her baby days with her and look over all of her updates, all while I cry because my girl is growing up way too fast.


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