Sunday, April 12, 2015


This one is up late, but better late than never. [:

I don’t know what it is about this week that has me loving braids. I’ve worn a braid every day this week and I’m not complaining! I’m sure it’s because braids make my hairstyles seem more put together especially because my hair is getting so long. The longer my hair is the longer my braids get and it makes life so much easier.

Reno’s weather since Easter has been a little weirder than usual. Reno is known for having bi-polar weather, but this week has been crazy. Easter weekend it was so windy you didn’t want to be outside. Monday was windy and gloomy. Tuesday was snowing and hailing. Wednesday through today are cold, but beautiful outside! But I can't complain since it IS sunny out
I’ve been cooking a lot of fun meals this week. Haidyn loves eating all of our food so I never have a problem whipping something up for her.

olive oil crackers

boy choy and chicken with oyster sauce.

RSVP’s have been going out of control. I usually expect about 60 people not to RSVP just because I know everyone is very busy, but on the first day of calling everyone I immediately got over 50 and I wasn’t even done with my list! I’m overly excited and a little anxious to throw a party with so many people! But hey, it’s her first birthday!! Plus, we prematurely ate Oreo Birthday Cake Edition.... OMG I died and went to heaven for my girl because of course she chose to eat the regular ones over the Birthday cake ones... just like her Daddy. 
Speaking of birthday, I can’t even believe that this week will be my girl’s 1st birthday. (Insert all sad emoji’s here) I knew things would go by fast, but I didn’t think it would be THAT fast! I wrote her birthday letter and will be finishing up her last update for this week and I will admit that I cried when I wrote them all out. Oh the life of a new Mommy is so bittersweet.


If you haven’t yet, you need to check out Justin Bieber's Roast on Comedy Central. The 2 hours special on had Waymon and I rolling on the floor laughing. I personally like Justin and his music most of the time. I can’t tell you that I’m his biggest admirer or hate him with a passion, but I loved this special. I will give it to him, it took a lot of guts to sit there and get made fun of for 2 hours straight. I don’t know if I would be able to do that. If you have a chance to watch it, don’t pass it up! Kevin Hart as a host is to die for. 

Have a great week everyone!! I know it’s going to be an emotional and bittersweet one for me. [:


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