Sunday, April 19, 2015


I knew how emotional I was going to be this past week, but I didn’t know that it would make me feel so sappy.  Now, I’ve finally over the entire sappy stage and very excited that I have a one year old!

This week was our H WEEK! Timehop reminded me of ever great moment this time this past year .

the last picture i took before my water broke.

Haidyn’s birthday bash! This party was probably one of the most stressful parties we've done thus far. I can't believe that we were 3 hours early to set up and still didn't have everything just right before 11:30 am. It all worked out in the end and tired everrrryone out.

I haven’t been doing much this week except for planning, decoration creating and baking for the party that I’ve been watching a lot of Revenge on Netflix. Ahhh I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing this show is. I’ve been watching it non-stop all week and I’ve dragged Waymon into watching it too. I love seeing how real all of the deceit is between people once they're backed into a corner. It's like man-made karma in a show showing that lies do catch up with you. 

I wanted to take the time to also express how much I appreciate my husband, especially because this week he had to deal with my crazy emotional self. He made me laugh when he knew I was getting stressed out or anxious. This is one of our conversations about a couch this week. Gah he just always knows how to make me laugh. No wonder why I love him so much .


Time to start a new week! Get ready for all my recaps [:
Have a great week Everyone!



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