Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday Haidyn - Letter to Haidyn

 Dear Haidyn, 

For the longest time I couldn’t imagine myself being a Mom. I was convinced I didn’t want to have children. I didn’t think I’d be a good Mom let alone stop being a selfish 20 year old to take care of anyone else.  That all changed when your Daddy and I went on our 1 year anniversary vacation to Disneyland. Something clicked in me that I could be a mom and I would do anything to take care of my baby. We envisioned starting a family of our own and actually having a child to experience parenthood ourselves. We wanted the chaos and happiness that came with being a parent. 

 From that day on, we dreamt you to life. We imagined you as the perfect child with a laid back attitude all while being the silliest little thing we’ve ever seen; which is exactly what you are to a “T”. I knew before the doctor did that you were a girl even from our first ultrasound confirming that you were growing inside me.  To my surprise, as scared as I was to have and raise a girl I am absolutely over the moon that I have you as my mini. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 


 Thank you baby girl for one amazing year full of joys, laughter and a little frustration. [: I couldn’t imagine a day without you by my side, a night that you don’t fall asleep on my chest,  a morning that you don’t jump with excitement to greet me or a time that you don't love getting ready with me. I knew that you were going to change my life forever, but I never knew that you would make me love and feel loved more than I already do.

  You’ve made me want to be a better person for you to look up to. I am truly blessed and proud to be your Mama.  I now know what love is because of you and for that I am eternally grateful to you.   Being your Mama is what I was born to do and the one job that I love doing.  Know that I am so proud of all of your accomplishments no matter how small they seem now. My wish for you is to explore and have fun as much as possible for as long as possibly can. Never lose your magnificent courage and spirit.  I can’t wait to start all of your new adventures with you.  You are my wildest dream come true.

                                                   Happy 1st Birthday Chickeedee!
                                                               I love you.


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