Sunday, April 5, 2015



My poor baby girl has been a little under the weather this week. I was off for 2 days because her fever was through the roof and wouldn't drop down. We got her checked into the ER because of the fact that she got to 103 and we were told "it's not that serious". Let me tell you when your daughter is red in the face, ears and everywhere else on her body and she's got a fever of 103 it's pretty f&*#$@% serious to me. They couldn't tell us what was exactly going on other than " hey, she has a fever ride it out", so our assumption was is to blame it all on teething!! GRR I loathe you teething!!! ! On my last day at home with her, we spent the day being lazy and concentrating on getting better. I painted own toes and my silly girl is slowing coming back to 100% ! YAAYY! Sass even decided to be lazy gals with us.

Eh, I guess I'm not finished with teething just yet [: A clerk at the hospital turned me to Amber Baltic Teething Necklaces. Now she did warn me that she did some research on it and a lot of people called her crazy for trying it on her little one, but I figured that since I WAS in the hospital at midnight with my  poor teething baby that I should give it a try as well. After putting it on Haidyn, it took her about 24 hours to come back to her healthy, happy self! (This also deserves a YAY) I'm a believer. I will try any natural remedies if it does work with Haidyn. I know that we use all natural teething tablets as well and they work wonders on her. I'm not opposed to be a "hippie" mom if it works!

We went Easter egg hunting yesterday with Haidyn for the first time. Remind me next year that my daughter is extremely claustrophobic that egg hunts are probably not her thing. I really made me want to just have our own house so that I can hide the eggs for her! It was really fun though seeing her with the Easter bunny and us in the Easter basket full of eggs. haha ( pics soon to come. )
We're heading over to my in-laws tonight for Easter Dinner. I can't wait have Haidyn over there with everyone and just relax. Haidyn's favorite place to be is either at home or at their house. The excitement that goes through her is so cute! I'm cooking some realllly unhealthy garlic bread and some garlic asparagus! Mmm.
I want to thank myself in that I prematurely bought my tire insurance many months ago. WHEW! That totally saved my butt when I found out that I had a flat tire when I was out with Haidyn. You can't even imagine my relief when I knew it would be taken care of. Haidyn waited like a champ for our flat to be changed! 


You're Not You. It is quite rare that my husband sits down with me to watch a "girly" movie so I HAVE to write about this one.  The movie shows you what happens to family and a husband and wife that has to go through and overcome an awful illness such as ALS. It's moving, touching and beautiful all at the same time. I definitely recommend this movie to everyone and anyone out there looking for a great movie to watch.


My nephew this week decided to put together a little intro to a rap that he's been working on. You can check it out here.  I can't begin to even say how proud I am of this young man. Not because he rapped, but because he took something he loved and put it out there for everyone to listen to. He's only 15 and already has that courage to do something that big! I know that at 15 I was only confident about acing my biology exam. I'm so proud of you Jon.


We dropped my mom at the airport this past week. We won't see her for over a month. I already miss her and she hasn't even been gone for a full 24 hrs yet, I knew she was leaving for months now, but it didn't hit me until this week how long her vacation really was. Haidyn was feeing a little blue too over i, but i know she will be back before we know it!

last dinner with lola :) 

Now that Haidyn's been feeling under the weather she's grown accustomed to her whining a little and us giving in. Jon captured the best of the latter through facetime when she decided to cry over nothing and we mocked her. haah I know it can be mean, but we couldn't help it! She's such an independent little girl that when she does become needy and we know she's just faking it we have to poke fun at it. [; Please don't mind my hideous faces haha. Thank you to Jon for taking these masterpieces. I hope you all laugh as hard as we did.


We ended our Saturday night on the couch with EVERYONE! It's very rare that all of us our comfortable sitting/lying down together in one area. I hope that these pictures are a sign of an amazing week ahead of us.

Have a great week everyone!! 


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