Friday, April 24, 2015

Week in Pictures- H-Week!

H-WEEK has come and gone.  I will assume will always be emotional for me for the rest of my life. Which I will also assume will go for every other child I have after Haidyn as well. But aside from my emotional roller coaster, H-WEEK was one of the best weeks! We celebrated Haidyn every day, stressed over the party prep and pulled off such a successful party all in one week.  Haidyn knew that this week was her week and had no trouble showing off for everyone all week. She was no longer shy when it came to everyone singing her “Happy Birthday” or greeting her for it. She’s trying to prove that she is indeed a “big girl” more often than not, though sometimes all she wanted to do was snuggle with Mama for a bit longer than usual. 

I took off on Tuesday for Haidyn’s actual birthday. I woke up early to make her all of her favorites for her birthday breakfast; scrambled eggs with ham, oranges and pancakes.

 I knew that Ms. Pattie had surprises for her for that day, so I didn’t keep her all day with me. Instead, she went to school and was showered with “happy birthdays”, balloons and cupcakes! Ms. Pattie is the best! Haidyn didn’t even notice when I pulled her from school for her 1 year appt and shots [: 

I know, I am that mom that chose to do her shots on her birthday. But I’m so glad we did, since it was the last day to see her pediatrician as she is relocating out of state with her family. Haidyn had tons of fun at the Doctor’s office since she’s more mobile than ever. She walked ( tired to) around the room like no one’s business while shouting  No” as her response to everything the nurses asked her.

  After her appointment I got her treats for her being a champ while getting her 4 shots and a prick on her finger before fixing her up a heaping plate of her favorite dinner. Dinner consisted of turkey spaghetti and garlic bread. Haidyn demolished most of it before having all of the fruit on the fruit pizza as her birthday cake.

Friday, I took another day off so that we could get the much needed last of the party prep done and ready to go. Our house was a wreck and there were so much pink frosting everywhere that I had no idea I could see so much pink!  Our efforts were not wasted as we managed to pull off; 40 party favors, 20 caterpillar masks, 1 death by chocolate cake, 1 strawberry jello poke cake, 75 mini cupcakes, 21 “ice cream” cupcakes, 24 blueberry muffins and a ton of assorted fruit, salami, pickles,  swiss cheese and salami all cut up and ready to go for Saturday’s party.

Saturday morning came before we knew it and we were frantically trying to get everything together before 11:30 am. We snagged the perfect gazebo at 8:00 am and started decorating before all of our guests to arrive.  Our DIY party was a success and was surprised at the HUGE turnout of all our much-loved friends and family. Haidyn greeted everyone with open arms (when she woke up from her nap) and had a blast with alllll of the sweets she finally got to get her hands on! She was eager to show everyone her outfit and that she can almost walk.

Her smash cake was a spectacular and she loved eating all of the fondant  off of it. She wasn’t impressed with Daddy smashing the cake in her face, but she did have fun trying to feed everyone a piece of her apple cake.  


Even after our busy day, we all got to sneak some pictures with the birthday girl. She gladly smiled at the camera for each of us. We threw another successful bash!

Watching her grow up right before is life changing. Her lighting up on her birthday is probably the best thing ever.


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