Monday, April 27, 2015


I have no idea why this didn't publish yesterday, but here it is! [:


I had 2 days off last week to help prep for Haidyn's party and run errands. Needless to say, I was very missed at work. I managed to catch up during the week and rid the hater post it's from my friends [:


ALLERGIES! Yes, let's talk allergies. I have no idea what I am allergic to in Reno... I'm most likely allergic to the pollen in the air, but guess what? So is Haidyn! So Sunday we both woke up looking FFABULOUS   ( I am being facetious of course) . We both looked like we were hit with the ugly stick. There was so much nose blowing in our house that you wouldn't even believe.  We managed to get the stregth to go out and face the world to get some allergy meds. YAY!

Since I’ve been feeling like poo. I’ve been catching up on my much needed sleep and embracing my au natural face lately.  Now, I don’t necessarily cake on the make up by any means, but I would love to make my life a lot easier but not having to hassle with putting stuff on to make me look and feel beautiful. My make up regimen has broaden and varied over the years, but lately I’ve been loving the less make up look because 1) it’s easy to do 2) I’m beginning to love my face without makeup, 3) I want to try to go for the “young” face as long as I can and 4) I get to sleep in more without having to do it!! So now, I’m going with the minimalistic look, if it’s a look at all and going back to my roots to the basics. I’m happy with simplicity.


I've been approached to give back to our community and help out a family in need in a silent auction. I've auctioning 1 free session photography session to help raise money for this family. I am honored more than anything to participate in such a great cause and I wish I could do it more often. I actually hope I get to. I can’t wait to see the results and see how much money can be raised for this wonderful family.If you can and join please do!


I don’t know what all of the sudden happening to Haidyn is, but she seems to be getting a little chubbier and I LOVE IT! She is starting to get harder and harder to carry.. ahem you should walk Haidyn ahem, but she’s so cute when she falls asleep on me. I can’t even with those cheeks!  


The more mobile Haidyn is, the more Sass tends to hide. I can’t blame Sass though. Haidyn traps her just to pet her and give her loves all while Sass is trying to get some sleep in. It is very cute to witness it all. This rare moment was captured as we were watching the first of three games between the Giants and the Dodgers. I could just stare at my baby girl all day. I’ve learned to treasure moments like these because they are so rare and far between.


I've upgraded! Yes, I know I know the excitement is still upon me and my friends that I’ve upgraded to the Iphone 6 from the Galaxy S4. I’m so in love with my new phone that I can’t even believe that I had a S4 or that I had an Android for over a year. I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal switching from Iphone to Android, but it definitely rocked my world since I wasn’t use to having an Andriod anymore. But I’m happy I switched back since my entire family has iphones ! It makes it a lot easier for me to facetime Jon on the go or text with emjois! Most of all the picture quality on this phone is superb. I just can’t get over it. The front camera even captured my freckles! Mhmm.. Bet you didn’t even know I had  any!

Have a great week everyone!! 


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