Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Eating Out During a Lifestyle Change

Remembering that a lifestyle change is completely different from a fad diet. Diets don’t work. You will fall off of the diet just as fast as it took you to get on it. Your lifestyle change will allow you to eat out with your family with limitations and not the restrictions that fad diets give you. The 21 Day Fix eating plan has changed my life. (If you want to see the results and proof click here and here). I know what to eat and when to eat. With that being said, note that I’ve changed my lifestyle in regards to my eating habits and working out. The hardest part for me to grasp out of the latter was the eating. I love to eat and eating the bad food just seems so fitting at times. But eating out is easier than you think and IT CAN BE DONE! Here are some tips to keep you on track while eating out during your lifestyle change. 

  1. Cheat meals aren’t cheat days. There is a huge difference in the two. Keep that difference in mind. You can have your bowl of pasta while you’re out, but don’t continue to eat unhealthy throughout the day. You don’t want to ruin meals for the entire day because you don’t control yourself during your time eating out. You will regret it if you choose a cheat day. But if you do lose control ( as I have when I’ve gone out to eat sushi) get back up and on track again.

  2. Moderation is key. You are in control of what you will be ordering while you’re out. You know your limits and what will fit in your lifestyle and what won’t. You can choose to get that wonderful French toast for breakfast, but you also don’t have to eat ALL of it. You can save that for another day so that you’re not turning your one meal into a cheat day. 
  3. Look for health conscious options I always look for healthier options every place I go. I go for the side salad instead of fries or for grilled instead of fried. A lot more places are going towards the healthier side because so many people are making this lifestyle change along with you. The options are unlimited. I also love trying out vegan or vegetarian options to get more of my veggies in. I stray away from heavily greasy foods because I know it’s not worth ruining my progress over it.
  4. Ask to alter. This is something that took some time getting use to because I’m not picky with my food. I’ve learned to just ask if they can grill something instead of deep fry it or it I can have sweet potatoes even if it isn’t listed on the menu. Most establishments are more than happy to alter your meal for you just to accommodate.  It ever hurts to ask!
  5.  Enjoy it. I aim for a “cheat meal” once a week because I’m human and I give into my temptations here and again. I won’t deprive myself of what my body needs and I give in sometimes to what my body wants in moderation. I know my body doesn’t want me to eat an entire cheesecake from Costco that is just something I personally want to do. Know the difference. Know your body.

I understand that eating out is normal and it’s something that everyone does.  You shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to go out and enjoy a little.  I eat out with my family from time to time and I love it.  Who wouldn’t?  I know that at the end of the week I’m sick of seeing my meal prep containers. I don’t want to always eat out of Tupperware so eating out does give me a break from all of that. However, I don’t use eating out as an excuse to eat poorly. I always have my goals in mind and am conscious of everything that I intake I exercise self-control and that helps immensely.  


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