Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Piyo Week One & Two

Piyo is my new workout right before summer! I wanted something that would be low impact workout after completing CDF. Can you blame me for wanting to slow down a bit? Now, just because it’s low impact doesn’t mean I’m working just as hard as I was during CDF. Piyo is a mix between yoga and pilates so you know it kills! Sometimes, I feel like I’m working harder because I’m consistently hold my own body weight with all of my poses. This workout is pushing my limits every single day, which I love.  My posts about PIYO will only be down every two weeks because it is a different workout from the others I've done previously.


My absolute favorite part of this program is the fact that Haidyn and Rory love to stretch right along with me; especially Rory. The girls are so use to seeing my hop around like a fool with my workouts so I can only imagine this being a big change for them to see me holding weird positions.


Triceps pushups are getting a little easier! My elbow was a little out of wack the first week and I didn’t want to push that much pressure on it because I didn’t want to push myself that much especially when my body is clearly telling me to slow down. I’m getting through every workout doing more and more pushups because I’m making sure that I believe that I CAN get through them. They’re such a rough workout but so worth it.


  1. Haha this is really cute and adorable. But I'm not really sure about the name of the dog. Piyo is such an odd name. Or may be im jsut pronouncing it wrong in my head lol. Who knows haha

    1. thank you !! Piyo is actually the name of the workout I was doing. My dog's name is Rory :) .
