Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Core De Force Week 7 | Round Two Week Two

I will be up front and honest in telling all of you that I can’t stand it that I was down for a week and couldn’t work out. Maybe it would be different if I couldn’t work out because of vacation, but it wasn’t. Well it wasn’t entirely like that. My best friend was staying with us for a week, but the real reason why I couldn’t workout was because I was sick. Sicker than sick. I was out on my ass for a week. I couldn’t eat, sleep or anything at all. I was useless for an entire week. All of you by now should know that I hate being useless. I thrive on being busy at all times. Enough self-pity, I slowly got back into the groove of things and even though I’m a week late on finishing my CDF I’m pushing through. I finished my 7th week of CDF and I feel strong. I’m tired as hell but I’m finishing through. As much as I love this program I’m ready for a change. One more week until my results are in! They won’t be as impressive as the last round’s results because I was sick and haven’t been eating on point, but that’s not stopping me from giving this program 110% everyday! 


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