Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Staycation w/ B

I’ve had the same best friend since I was ten years old. (I know, I’m getting old.)  It’s insane to the both of us that we’ve been friends for so long especially because we live 3000 miles apart. The last time I’ve seen Brigid was when I was 10, but for some miracle we’ve kept in touch over the years via phone and text. Believe me, keeping up with her wasn’t easy especially because long distance phone calls were expensive back in the day but we made it work. This girl is my person, literally the only friend that can handle all of my flaws and quirks.  You can only the excitement when she booked a flight to Reno to finally meet Waymon and Haidyn the week of Haidyn’s birthday and Easter weekend.

Haidyn eagerly woke up every morning to greet her Auntie. Nothing stopped her from getting to her Auntie Brigid fast enough. I love their relationship. Haidyn loves Brigid and loved showing her around all the time. Their secret little bond is something else too. My best friends are best friends, even more so they share churros ( Haidyn doesn't share shit with me). Lucky B.  Rory never left Brigid alone and definitely wasn’t exempt from all her drooling. Brigid got to meet my family during Haidyn’s birthday and got to experience Hurricane Haidyn in full effect. She helped plan her birthday, cook for her birthday, cook and plan our Easter brunch and keep me sane during those very trying times.

We had so many things planned out to do during the week she was here, but instead typical me I got deathly ill after Haidyn’s birthday and was basically bedridden for most of the time that she was here. I felt awful about not being able to do much of anything, but honestly just seeing her and hanging out with her is all I’ve really wanted. I never got the chance to just “hang out” with her while we were growing up so doing it now was something special to me. It sounds so silly, but we were never bored believe it or not. We Gilmore Girl’ed it way more than we ever thought we would. We basically ate our way through an entire week together, which neither of us would normally do.


 Oddly enough, when she was here it felt like she’s always been here. Haidyn and Rory were both a little sad after I dropped off Brigid and came home to an empty house. Haidyn believes that her Auntie is on vacation and will be back soon. I don’t blame a girl, that’s how I’m thinking of things. ;) I can’t wait to vacation again with B . Hopefully I’ll be making my way to NC soon.


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