Sunday, January 22, 2017

21 Day Fix Approved | Meal Prep

 If you're trying to keep on track with your weight loss/ fitness or just trying to keep your life together (food wise),  meal prepping will save you time and money. I feel more prepared for the week when we meal prep. When I say "we" , I mean that this meal prepping is a family event. Everyone is in on helping with planning, cooking and preparing the meals. We've grown accustom to wake up every Sunday morning  and get to working in the kitchen . I can't get over how excited Haidyn is to help us in the kitchen. So many forget that this is just as much as a learning experience for us as it is for her. Below is our meal prep for this week!  

BREAKFAST - Shakeology, 1 tsp oil ( nut butter/ coconut oil) and fruit 
SNACK 1 - Veggie egg cups /OR/ 2 hard boiled eggs and veggies  
LUNCH - Chicken sausage potatoes, black beans and spinach/kale /OR/ Chicken burrito bowls w/ black beans
SNACK 2 - Toast w/ avocado  /OR/ Toast w/ cheese
DINNER - 1 cup veg, 1 3/2 cup protein, 1 cup fruit 


BREAKFAST -  Veggie egg cups  w/ toast /OR/ 2 hard boiled eggs, veggies and dried fruit
SNACK 1 - Toast w/ fruit and yogurt 
LUNCH - Chicken sausage potatoes, black beans and spinach/kale  & Chicken burrito bowls w/ rice 
SNACK 2 -Crackers, cheese and turkey 
DINNER- Protein shake, nut butter and fruit 

 A lot of people are skeptical because it looks like it takes such a long time, but in actuality it takes us about 2 hours from start to finish. 2 hours of our Sunday is saving us countless hours so that we can do more together throughout the week. 21 Day Fix eating plan has our entire family eating real food without "dieting" . We are not on a diet we're consciously making better food choices together. 21 Day Fix get us through our days full ! Most days we can't even finish our prepped foods. All of the food that we have extra of are used for our dinners. We're a busy family in which our work hours are crazy and Haidyn is always on the go, meal prepping makes us feel we have at a little more control over our already hectic weeks. 

* Disclaimer : I am an independent beachbody coach. This blog post is not a sponsored post . All results and thoughts , opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting this blog and making this blog possible.


  1. 3 Studies REVEAL Why Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you literally burn fat by eating Coconut Fats (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from large medical magazines are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world upside down!
