Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Boys Are Back in Town

This summer Jon got to come home for a little over three weeks. I don’t think I’ve seen Jon during the summer since 2013 so it was so weird having him home during this time of the year. We even got to celebrate 4th of July with him! But just like every other time that Jon comes home it always feels like I’ve seen him the day before. We pick up right where we left off. I’m sure it’s a little weirder for him because Haidyn is growing faster than ever.  She got to spend more time with him and his friends more than ever this visit. Poor thing wouldn’t stop talking about and to her Uncle Jon since she woke up to him.    

We didn’t have too much planned this summer for Jon since we wanted to make sure that he spent a lot more time with his friends. A lot of his friends were coming back for the summer which is rare so we didn’t mind not seeing him for a few days. The one friend that came to visit for a little was our dear friend Mark! Mark traveled from Texas to spend some time with us. We threw a Beer B-Q for everyone to join and celebrated Jon coming home for the summer. All of my days with Jon and the boys ended with me being a little to a lot buzzed off of a little something. 

It’s bittersweet when everyone started to go home. I loved having all the boys at the house and cooking for everyone. Of course, it ended sooner than I would’ve liked. Our house always seems so much livelier with everyone hanging out and eating endless amounts of food. It’s been difficult having to explain to Haidyn that everyone had to go home. I’m missing everyone already and a little sad that summer is ending so quickly. This was easy the best summer ever. 


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