Thursday, December 25, 2014


December 24th has never really been Christmas Eve for us since it's our Papa's birthday. This birthday was even more special than all of the rest; this was the birthday that he got to celebrate it with his Beanie and reunite with Jon.

Haidyn can't take anything seriously.... (:
 All of our family gathered at Boomtown last night to celebrate his day. Being at Boomtown we had to shovel down as much lobster as we could and being Mangosing's we did not disappoint. We ate our weight in lobsters it seemed like. Haidyn even got to try some herself ( no she's not allergic and yes she loved it :) ) 

I don't think I've ever seen my Papa quite as happy as yesterday. I'm glad that no amount of snow/slush on the ground could stop all of us from coming out to celebrate him. I'm sure that his 60th birthday tops them all. Happy Birthday again Papa. I love you. 


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