Thursday, October 3, 2013

Plum Week

To keep family and friends updated with Baby H & my progress, I decided that I could document all of it.
Here it goes! :)


How far along: 12 Weeks 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Looking back at when I didn't know I was pregnant I gained about 8 lbs quickly and dropped it all by the time I found out I was pregnant. I got EXTREMELY sick ( I thought it was the flu and it turned out to be morning , afternoon and night sickness :/ ) Now I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight, but REALLLLLLLLYYYYYY BLOATED.

Maternity clothes: No maternity clothes yet, but I bought a belly belt . I got tired of the old rubberband trick with my skinny jeans . My XS shirts are starting to get a little snug though.

Stretch marks: Nope, I'm hoping I inherited my mom's AMAZING genes (four kids and the woman has no stretch marks.... please God help me)

Sleep: I get up 1-2 a night to go to the bathroom ... even if I drink water 4 hrs before I went to bed. I do try to nap as much as possible. I really do miss my being able to sleep through anything sometimes. I've adapted to the wake ups though.

Best moment this week: Hearing Baby H's heartbeat for the first time on Monday. The heartbeat was strong and made me feel so unbelievably blessed. 

Movement: Some people think I'm crazy, but I've felt baby move a little more every week. Baby goes CRAZZZZZY when daddy gets close:) 

Food cravings: I love BREAD! haha If you know me at all I CAN NOT stand bread, but now that's all I want to eat. I can't handle steak or any kind of red meat (unless it's ground beef) the texture is disgusting. Everything my husband eats is what I want.. NEED to eat which is completely opposite of what I'd eat normally. 

Gender: I have a strong, strong, strong, feeling Baby H is going to be Daddy's little Princess<3

Labor signs: OH NO! Way too soon. 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. The "bump" is a bloat bump. ha! 

What I miss: My old sleeping and eating habits as well as not getting sick ALL THE TIME! 

What I am looking forward to: Next doctor appointment on Oct. 28th. I hope to confirm my gender prediction. :D 

Milestones: Hands down... hearing Baby H's heartbeat. 


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