Saturday, February 14, 2015

Haidyn Ten Months

LENGTH: 27 1/2 inches

-Walking with her walker . She knows how to push it forward without anyone's help, which she is so proud of! 
-Pulling herself up onto things. It scares me more than it scares her now. 
-Singing songs ( or trying to) ! She's getting the hang of a rhythm 

 with all of the songs and trying to mimic our movement. 
- Clapping! She will clap for you for as long as you want. 
-Shrimp/lobster/crab. This girl has no problem eating sushi with us! It's so cute! 
- Rice. haha I don't know how much more Filipino my girl can get, but if you put rice in front of her you will see it all disappear in a matter of minutes. 
-Green juice. In my attempt to make our family healthier she loves drinking her daily green juice. No artificial juice for this girl! 
- Seeing Daddy come home. Waymon always surprises her when he comes home. 
- Laughing. She will scrunch up her nose as she laughs too. 
- Bubble baths! She loves to swim in the tub with all of her little bath toys.

- Not being able to walk. Her independence is her biggest weakness right now. She wants to do more and she can't wait for it to happen to her. 
- The glass on our entertainment center. She hid her toys underneath and she doesn't understand why she can't grab and get them from up top. :) 
-Sitting in one place - she is a wiggle worm. 
-Being told no. She will say shake her head no right back at you. 

-copies the sounds we make
-understanding more of our conversation
-she can support her own weight while standing
-she can stand by furniture ( and pull herself up)
- able pick up a toy off of the floor and return to standing
-picks up a toy with just one hand
-picks up spaghetti noodles/rice to eat

-Daddy's 24th birthday! 
-Grandma Tracey and Grandpa Willie's birthday! 


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