Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Love Yourself | You are Enough

Most of my days only have bad moments and not one can be defined as a “bad day”. However, yesterday was different. I had a bad day. I’m human. My life isn’t a fairytale nor do I want anyone to think that I depict our lives that way. I break down just like everyone else does when I’ve had too much.  Yesterday I had enough of too much. Yesterday, I was told that I need to stop being me. Stop being the strong, independent woman I am because it’s wrong- because sometimes it’s better to just do what you’re told to keep the peace. 

Now, as I write this I am still irate that someone is telling me to stop being myself just to make others happy. I am not the woman who alters herself to fit the mold that others see fit . I will never be that person where I make sure others are happier with myself before I am. I am enough. I will always be enough. This is who I am. I am head strong, independent woman who will not apologize for my strength and independence; No one should have to. I love myself enough I know that I’m not here in this life to please anyone but myself. The words spoken to me fuel the fire inside for my strength and independence.

And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself

As I’m saying this, I want to make clear that my daughter is being raised the same way. I never want there to be a time in her life in which she needs to apologize for being her. She should never have to do that and I hope that she never will. I hope if you’re reading that as well that if you ever have the same situation as I’ve had that you don’t apologize for you and who you truly are. You are enough. You will always be. 


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