Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day Weekend 2016

Every three day weekend our goals are always to spend time with family and relax. In the almost two months we've lived in our home this weekend was the second weekend we actually got to sit down and relax at home. I personally couldn't be any happier with how our weekend turned out. You can feel the season change creep up on you this weekend especially. The temperatures dropped dramatically from our previous high 90 - 100 degree weather, but this weekend was perfect. Perfect for the rib cook off!

We met up with my in-laws for the rib cook off. Haidyn was so happy to see her Papa and Hootsee. My objectives for the cook off was 1) get a yard house ( a really big margarita) 2) eat some Mexican corn 3) go down the big slide with Haidyn. I completed all objectives and then some . Our little thrill seeker babe couldn't resist a giant slide, mini roller coaster and a knock off of the Dumbo ride. She wasn't too impressed with the Dumbo ride as she was last year, but she had fun nonetheless. Poor Waymon squeezed himself onto the mini roller coaster just for her as well as braved the big slide !

We spent the rest of weekend creating all of the recipes I pinned on Pinterest from the week before (creating sushi bowls as we speak) , drinking cocktails, serious napping, cleaning the house, catching up with my parents and sprucing up the backyard. Why can't all weekends be like this? Where everything you wanted to get done gets done and you're still not exhausted?!?

 We're so ready for Fall! We've even started decorating for Fall. 
 Now only 21 days until we see Jon!


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