Monday, September 19, 2016

Football Season is Here | Go Wolfpack !

I will admit, I’m not a football person by any means but I am a Nevada person. I love being at Pack games cheering Nevada on like there’s no tomorrow.  My company put together a spectacular bash at UNR for everyone and their loved ones. You can’t beat good food, prizes and a free game! I was surprised I even won anything because I never win anything.  It turned out that this game was celebrating the university’s 50th anniversary.

We spent the game with our good friends and family. I was skeptical on how Haidyn would actually do at the game, but it turns out that she did awesome. Thankfully, her little friend was there too to keep her company. We only stayed til half time, but it was well worth it. I even got a little buzzed enough to enjoy Haidyn hugging just about everyone near us.


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